Parish Councillors November 2023
Following co-option, BPC is delighted to welcome Chris Hill to its midst. Chris lives in Beswick and looks forward to extending the work he does for the parish; he currently maintains the Beswick defibrillator. The other members of BPC are Sarah Beachell (Chair), Ben Jeffrey (Vice Chair), Tony Corscadden, Sarah Duncan and the Clerk, Julia Bugg.
Parish Councillors 2022-2023
Following 4 May 2023 nominations, the following Parish Councillors were elected; Sarah Beachell, Tony Corscadden, Sarah Duncan, Ben Jeffrey and Edward Staples. Our gratitude to former Councillor Ian Reid for his many years of service; we wish him a very happy retirement.
At the May 2022 meeting of BPC the Cllrs were unable to appoint a Chair or Vice Chair so it was agreed that the roles would be assigned at each meeting according to the agreed rota with Cllr Beddows taking the chair in the first instance. Cllrs Jeffrey, Corscadden, Beachell and Reid to undertake the role in the order given, at subsequent meetings and the Co-opted new Cllr to be added to the end of the rota.
If you would like to become a councillor - Kilnwick having just lost one of its representatives, then please contact the Clerk on 01964 551720.
Ward Councillor Greenwood
BPC is saddened to learn of the passing of Ward Councillor Greenwood and sends its condolences to her family and friends.
Pauline was a lovely woman and an excellent Cllr; we will miss her very much.
Parish Council Co-option
Following the resignation of Cllr Quinn we are delighted to announce that Ben Jeffrey of Kilnwick has been co-opted to BPC.
Parish Council Co-option
Following the resignation of Cllr Lee, we are happy to announce that Tony Corscadden of Beswick has been co-opted to BPC. Thank you to all who expressed an interest, we won't forget you.
Parish Council Co-option
Following the resignation of Cllr Scaife we are delighted to welcome Sarah Beachell of Beswick has been co-opted to BPC.
Council Elections 2019
The following persons stood validly nominated and have been duly elected Parish Councillors without contest, for the Parish election on Thursday 2 May 2019:
LEE Robert (Resigned July 2020)
QUINN Kenneth
Returning Officer: Caroline Lacey, East Riding of Yorkshire Council 12 April 2019
Clerk to the Council : Mrs Julia Bugg, 21 The Poplars, Leconfield, HU17 7NB. Tel. 01964 551720 email :
The elections on May 2 2019 saw Ward Councillors Kevin Beaumont, Pauline Greenwood and Bernard Gateshill duly elected.